We aren’t bots. We at Pivot Flex are real people. And we’re here for you.
We generally can’t control what stressful events are going to happen to us or when. We can, however, control how we respond. Pivot’s certified coaches help you do exactly that – one human, one moment at a time.
That’s what makes Pivot unique. Most stress management apps provide basic tools. We lead with the human touch.
The quality of empathy sets Flex coaches apart. When you join the Pivot Flex program, you are paired with a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach equipped to help members find behavioral change solutions to tackle burnout, anxiety, and stress.
This coach is dedicated to you. For the entire duration of the program, members will be partnered with the same coach and have unlimited access. You’re not limited to just a few phone calls that you’re nervous about using up. Our approach allows members to have a safe outlet for their emotions and stressors while building a personalized plan to address their unique needs.
Benefits of Working with a Pivot Flex Coach
- Coaches co-create a personalized plan with each member, where each conversation gets to the core issues a member is facing
- Coaches support members in real time when unexpected life events cause stress
- Coaches partner with members to identify and leverage inner strengths to improve self confidence
- Coaches work with members to identify simple steps to take meaningful action towards change
- Coaches help members build an arsenal of self care tools to proactively respond to stress instead of defensively react to it
- Coaches work with members to build a social support network.
- Coaches help members understand and navigate access to other resources available to them through their employers EAP benefit
- Coaches refer members to professional support should their situation and/or health status be out of the coaching scope of practice
Getting the Most Out of Coaching
To make the most out of the coaching experience, members are encouraged to:
- Check in with their coach 1x a week for as little as 10-15 minutes via chat.
- Keep a creative and flexible mindset as they work towards their goals.
- Explore lessons in the Library and choose a focus (coping, connection or control) to discuss with their coach.
- Dedicate time outside the app for reflection, to experiment and take action steps towards their goals.
- Lean into discomfort to create space to adapt, grow and reflect.
- Provide candid feedback on the program, coaching and strategies that best fit their needs.
Navigating Stress Isn’t Something Members HAVE To Do Alone
Pivot Flex coaches are here to walk alongside members on this journey – and provide guidance at critical junctures. We want to help prevent wrong turns, and help members find a path full of joy and meaning. By working with a coach, you can develop emotional resilience and live life on your terms - not dictated by the stress cycle.
Laura Dotson, MS-MPH, NBHWC
Aimee Richardson, BS, MCHES
Chataqua Lee, MSP, NCTTP