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Tools and Challenges

True behavioral change doesn’t happen instantly

Creating new skills to conquer old habits takes time, practice, patience, and support. It's why Pivot Breathe offers a variety of tools and challenges that empowers members to practice and test new behaviors.

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Person wearing a hat lying down and looking at cell phone
Two phones with Pivot app open on the screen
green star with statistic on it

Members create their own reduction and quit journey

Pivot members can practice and test new techniques out over time to create new, healthy habits, while eradicating unhealthy behaviors. New techniques are developed from in-app lessons, challenges, activities, and a peer-to-peer community, as well as tools like cigarette logging and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).

Tools and challenges help inspire long-lasting changes


more engagement than traditional quit solutions

5 out of 6

Members who quit said the skills learned helped them stay quit


Have reduced cigarettes per day within 6 months of using Pivot Breathe

How it works

Track Habits
Challenge Behaviors
Leverage Tools

Practice makes perfect for Pivot Breathe members

Track HabitsChallenge BehaviorsLeverage Tools
iPhone Outline

Pivot Breathe members can track and understand their daily habits as it relates to tobacco usage. It’s as easy as logging cigarette or vape usage. By adding context to each log - noting routines and triggers - members will notice trends over time and gain a better understanding of their behaviors.

Pivot Breathe members can utilize a variety of tools at their fingertips for optimal success. Whether it be ordering nicotine replacement therapy to manage cravings or engaging in the peer-to-peer community - comprised of former or current tobacco users - members can customize the support needed to succeed as they reduce and ultimately quit.

Once Pivot Breathe members understand their different routines and triggers, they can develop a comprehensive reduction and quit strategy with the support of their coach. Coaches will encourage effective behavioral change prompts like practice quits, which act as a perfect way to build resilience by seeing what 30 minutes, an hour, or more without tobacco would look like.

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Pivot Breathe provides members with a variety of lessons about tobacco use. These lessons can help members along their journey as they reach to achieve their goals.

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Practice Quits

Forget cold turkey - practice quits are one of many ways that members can build resilience and confidently reframe their coping skills.

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Pivot Breathe connects members with a community of current and former tobacco users, all actively supporting each other on their respective journeys.

Person's head with graph and flag icon illustration

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) makes it easier to manage cravings and reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Members can explore whether NRT is right for them and order directly in the mobile app, right to their doorstep.

Change the way nicotine and tobacco cessation is done
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Illustration of man looking at phone sitting next to a plant
Quotes icon illustration

I was at the park just enjoying the scenery and I looked down at my phone and realized how I got there. A simple app that asked me to challenge myself and the steps were simple and the goal was tremendous. It made me feel accomplished.


Pivot Breathe is for all

Focused on creating happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives, Pivot Breathe breaks nicotine addiction with effective behavioral change strategies.

Real-world success stories

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Right pointing arrow icon illustration

I no longer smell like a walking ash tray. I can breath again. I am proud of myself for quitting.


Not every day is perfect, but having the app, the access to the CO sensor and NRT gives me the confidence that I can [do] this.


I used to go out behind my shop and smoke on my breaks. Now I just go out there and really take a break.


I'm enjoying being a non-smoker way to[o] much to go back now!


Quitting smoking is hard to do on your own. Having all of that support is so helpful.


My coach was with me whenever I needed her. With Pivot I went from 2 packs a day to zero after 37 years of smoking.


I made a pact with myself that I would quit smoking before I quit the program and it worked!


There is proof in the palm of my hand that smoking affects every breath I take.


A few weeks after quitting I realized that I was actually more relaxed and at ease. It occurred to me that smoking actually intensified my stress levels instead of helping.


Blogs: Tools and Challenges

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Right pointing arrow icon illustration
cell phone with Pivot Breathe tobacco log app screen open
Coach Corner
You’re Logging Your Tobacco Use. Now What?
smiling doctor speaking to patients
Pivot Breathe
The Connection Between Diabetes and Smoking
medical professionals looking at an xray
Pivot Breathe
Pivot Breathe
Does Smoking Impact Musculoskeletal Health?
woman smiling while looking at cell phone
Coach Corner
Pivot Breathe
Leveraging the Pivot Breathe Community
large 44% on a green background
Pivot Breathe Beats Control Program in Year-Long Randomized Controlled Trial
man wearing hat driving a car while looking at the camera
Offer a Customized Smoking Cessation Program to Your Employees
man sitting against a wall with hand on head looking stressed
Tobacco Surcharge 101
man with headphones in breathing deeply with arms stretched out
Pivot Breathe
Pivot Breathe
Smoking and Carbon Monoxide: What Are the Risks?
people holding their hands into the middle of a circle for a cheer
Pivot Breathe
Pivot Breathe
7 Ways to Track the Success of Your Smoking Cessation Program
doctor's hands comforting a patient's hands
Health Plans
The Crucial Role of Health Insurance Providers in Supporting Smoking Cessation Programs
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